Pergerakan Terbaik Ketika Sakit Bersalin

Alhamdulillah, sekarang sudah masuk usia 34minggu kehamilan. Waduhhhh..takutnya rasa. Lain kelahiran lain ceritanya!! Seram sejuk apabila fikir keadaan dalam labor room!

Kehamilan kali ini banyak ilmu sikit yang saya dapat apabila membuat beberapa bacaan dan kajian. Cewahhh..macam R&D pulak.hehehehe...yelah..sekarang semua ilmu dihujung jari. Semua dapat dengan klik dan klik sahaja.

Memandangkan anak ke 2 dulu ketuban darah..(tempoh sakit lama) jadi saya mula google kaedah yang boleh kita lakukan untuk mengurangkan rasa sakit semasa contraction stage 1 dan 2. (Masa itu belum masuk labor room lagi..jadi boleh amalkan)

Saya dapat dari FitPregnancy ,,,ada additional dari web lain juga.

Jadi, bahasanya adalah dalam English dan harap dengan bantuan gambar anda boleh faham.

Katanya, pergerakan semasa kontraksi dapat mengurangkan kesakitan semasa berlakunya kontraksi dan membantu memudahkan bersalin. Pergerakan ini membantu bayi melalui tulang pelviks dan membantu meluaskan bukaan pelviks. 

Posisi atau pergerakan dibawah memudahkan proses melahirkan secara normal atau kelahiran semulajadi. Posisi apa yang patut digunakan? Gunalah apa-apa sahaja posisi mengikut apa yang anda rasa. Badan anda akan memberitahu anda posisi apa yang selesa dan terbaik untuk anda bagi setiap detik kontraksi. Mungkin setiap kali kontraksi anda memerlukan posisi yang berbeza. Your bosy will let you know!!

Realigns your pelvis to increase the opening by up to 15 percent.

Allows you to be supported by your standing or sitting partner, the wall or a squat bar.
Takes advantage of gravity.
Makes contractions feel less painful and more productive.
Lengthens your trunk and helps your baby line up with the angle of your pelvis.
Movement causes changes in your pelvic joints, helping your baby through the birth canal.
May increase your urge to push in the second stage of labor. 
Requires a strong partner.
May be tiring for both of you



Good use of gravity.
Good resting position.
Good resting position.
Works well in hospital beds.
Good visibility at birth for your support team.
Easy access to fetal heart tones for your health-care provider.  
Access to your perineum can be poor.
Mobility of your coccyx is impaired.
Puts some stress on your perineum but less than when lying on your back.

Good for resting.
Uses gravity.
Can be used with continuous electronic fetal monitoring.   
May not be possible if you have high blood pressure.

Slowly lower yourself onto the ball with your partner's help. Sit with knees apart, feet flat on the floor. Rock back and forth or side to side until you find a soothing rhythm. (If you're 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall, use a 55 cm ball; if you're 5 feet 7 inches or taller, opt for a 65 cm.)
What it does: Opens the pelvis, helping the baby descend through the birth canal.

Face your partner and place your arms around his neck or waist; slowly sway from side to side. You also can have him stand behind you and cup your belly for support while you "dance."
What it does: Helps you relax

If you have access to a staircase and the hospital allows it, walk up and down the stairs for a few minutes. Otherwise, mimic stair climbing by marching in place.
What it does: Helps the cervix open and encourages the baby to rotate into the birth position.

7. Get down on all four
Lower yourself onto your hands and knees and rock back and forth; use pillows for comfort, if necessary. You also can "hug" the exercise ball in this position.
What it does: Relieves the pain of "back labor"; moves the baby through the birth canal.

Diharap saya dan rakan-rakan seangkatan sekalian mampu melakukan pergerakan ini semasa kontraksi nanti. Makin kita belajar, makin banyak ilmu yang kita dapat. Tak buang masa pun kalau timba ilmu sewaktu hamil ni, berguna untuk kita juga nanti.

We Can Do It!!!!!!!


  1. Bagus ilmu ni. Memang benar posisi ini sangat membantu kurangkan sakit semasa contraction, berbanding jika kita baring jek =)

    1. Malas nak alih bahasa..hihihi..rasanya sume paham. Sy pon gali2 ilmu ni sebab nk praktik nak bersalin nanti :)

  2. inilah kasih ibuu, thanks for sharing tips!


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